Cartoons that make somebody angry (2) ➜
2. JAN 2019 //
It’s even small things that fires up the anger. Most Danish politicians, when they are the target of the satyre, have learned to make the best of it. The former Danish Minister for Imigration and Integration is like others hailing the cartoonists by in public saying that she has made her own Wall of Fame from the cartoons.

Typo-offended ➜
»Do You by any chance remember: In which font did you scream?«
Cartoons that make somebody angry ➜
14. JAN 2015 //
The massacre on Charlie Hebdo is still all too present to talk about something as easy as to make somebody angry. Oh dear. But that’s a part of the theme of the documentary Cartoonists : Satire cartoons has to piss somebody off.
Trolls may benefit from a dislike button. That’s all. Don’t. Push. The Like. Button. ➜
How do I Like a post telling about a brute incident? That’s a question I ask myself now and then: do I ‘like’ the person who is posting, the action to bring the story to the public – or the brutality the story describes? I may be confused over the community consensus, simply because of the dilemma. Wouldn’t a dislike button […]
Yes to the saying-no-hat ➜
23. SEP 2014 //
The Danish Psychology Professor Svend Brinkmann wants the saying-no-hat back, he says in the book Stå fast – et opgør med tidens udviklingstvang (Stand firm - a showdown with the development coercion). He recommends to focus a more on the negative in your life, find the saying-no-hat and suppress the emotions. We need input from […]

Catch me ➜
7. JUN 2014 //
‘Grib mig’ is the title in danish, for the time being, of a coming cd, for which Marianne Mortensen and Michael Vesterskov had gathered four musicians for two days live recordings. I had the pleasure of being among the audience – and to design the provisional cover that together with a sign up form should make the audience pre-order […]

Egg pattern ➜
14. APR 2014 //
Pattern with eggs for the tablecloth and the napkins for the easter celebration lunch. Enjoy.
We are all numbers ➜
13. DEC 2013 //
I try to ignore it. I’m turning into numbers. One by one. Meanwhile words become opinion, twisted to new, separated to pieces, in sudden beauty or occasionally despair. Temporarily. Numbers on the other hand are rocks. That get shaken when dressed up in words, in interpretation. Yet two is still two. Words loose the origin.I […]
More web sites for the danish authorities are using webfonts ➜
5. DEC 2013 //
But far the most of them still don’t! Only 22 out of 122 web sites for the danish authorities. And the majority of those are prefering free fonts. On the other hand is the number more than doubled in a year, since November 2012 when the number was 9 out of 115.The study is a snapshot that I took November 6, 2013 and covers the […]
I don’t want to be scrutinized by a video ➜
16. MAR 2013 //
Samsung has launched a smartphone which allows users to control its 5in (12.5cm) screen using only their eyes. If you for instance is watching a video, it'll stop if you look away, and start when you continue watching.
It seems like a nice trick, Minority Report'ish, but then again: I think it’ll be a feature that I will turn off […]
I rather not participate in questionnaires ➜
I do understand the need for knowledge about why we behave as as we do and what we think about this or that, maybe even how we got that opinion. It also happens that I contribute, sometimes just because it’s convenient for me or because of the actual subject – even though I not always fully know the intentions behind the survey. […]
Is the QR bubble losing air ➜
In 2011 the use of QR code seemed to explode. It was a magic spell, a funnel to more visitors to the web site - Accio Visitors. Or was it just that cool that the lemmings started to move again.
It looks like a mail from the agriculture association, but it might as well be phishing ➜
If I buy something on, say, sales.com, the response mail should come from sales.com and all links within the mail should be to sales.com. Anything else looks as a phishing attempt, and it might as well be.
Seven clicks towards Mobile First ➜
10. OKT 2011 //
ipad /automatiseret layout /design /mobilt web /mobilism /web /responsive layout /web apps
The net is flooded with apps - for smartphones and tablets. But web sites are still better viewed on a computer, right? So the marketing department is happy and web design is business as usual. Maybe because apps and web sites are considered as two different things, rather than two versions of the same.You may create coherence […]

Type, design and automated layout, Atypi 2011 ➜
Saturday morning at the ATypI conference in Reykjavík Torben Wilhelmsen was on stage to talk about integrating type and design through templates into automated page layout for multi platform publishing such as magazines and blogs on computer, ipad and other mobiles.Apps for traffic information can be useful, but not all the way ➜
I know it sounds a bit paradoxical. Usually I call to recognize randomness as a condition of life. But when it comes to traffic and road out in the public domain, I freak info. The more data available, the better, it's just like that. And when it comes to public transport ... How long time before the next train, do I sprint, wander, […]Don’t buy a train ticket with this app ➜
Unfinished, ill-considered apps or apps that serve the market better than the use off it. If Apple has a sometimes paranoid restrictive approach to the formalities regarding an app you want to get into the App Store, they may have a comparable little interest in that the app works well. Fortunately, one could say, that should be […]
Fingerpainted fontdesign ➜
Take a few hours with iFontMaker on the iPad and tap, tap, draw, drag, pinch through the alphabet. And you may end up with a truetype font that you can write with on any computer, whenever the font is installed.
3D enlightening Copenhagen ➜
20. JAN 2011 //
After visiting Buchstabenmuseum in the fall 2010, I started to register this applied typography in big scale in Copenhagen. Big letters, neon, and stuff.As far as I remembered, this was different from how it was back in Copenhagen. Consequently I started to look around here, and of course there were many more than I expected. […]

Your website is (almost) an app ➜
I must admit, it’s (still) cool to have my icon right there on the iPad screen. As an app, yes, but a website can also do the trick. And website based app may sometimes even be a better solution than a native app.
iSticks and iSkins ➜
The danish boulevard newspaper, Ekstra Bladet, has decided to campaign for the freedom of speech – seen as the freedom of nudity. The danish MEP, Morten Messerschmidt is supporting by taking the discussion into the European Parliament.
Big Letters Light ➜
Buchstabenmuseum Berlin. Why are these letters so attractive? I don't get an answer at Buchstabenmuseum, but I most certainly get a wish to look after all these servants of the announcements, sofisticated as well as monumental.
Welt aus Schrift, type exhibition in Berlin ➜
Posters, books, jugend, bauhaus and de stijl ... via swiss to decon. The Welt Aus Schrift exhibition in Berlin is beauty in the literal sense of the letter. Do take a visit!
Bridges and letters in Amsterdam ➜
Round the city of Amsterdam, crossing the grachten - many of the bridges have their names displayed with ‘De Amsterdamse Brugletters’.
Vesterport st ➜
Claim the real mayonnaise. Use Tungsram lightbulbs. Political incorrect ads are being revealed at Vesterport st.Vesterport st (copenhagen - and I know it may not be a station, see “Jyllingevej is no station”) is being cleaned up. And these old ads are reveiled.

Bites #14 Free Wil ➜
3. JAN 2010 //
This is an extended version of the logo sound composed for the wil.dk logo.
Warning: this is a rotary candle holder ➜
7. DEC 2009 //
offentligt rum
Unpack, assemble and light. It’s so simple that I think I might have been able to it without the instruction. If it hadn't been for all the warnings.Every second package in the presents game was from the Tiger shop. Things! It’s funny, and cheap. But most of it, I’m afraid, I would never have bought to myself. On the other […]

This is not a logo ➜
The logo is not an element, a graphical form, but the character in the way it is exposed in various contexts. Thus, the logo is not a categorism any more, but a organism, a being.I was pleased at ‘Total Typographic Saturday’ in the end of october, as Tore Rosbo and Clea Simonsen from the design bureau 1508 presented the identity […]

Jyllingevej is no station ➜
Oh yeah, noo, it’s a road, right ... Jyllinge[road] ? Well, but everybody familiar with the S-trains in Copenhagen, especially between Ballerup and Vanløse, knows that Jyllingevej is the last station before Vanløse. And now it is no station.Well then, Jyllingevej is the last station (if I may insist) before Vanløse, and thus […]
What if we take the money out of the equation ➜
20. NOV 2009 //
offentligt rum
I went to see Michael Moore's film Capitalism. I did not expect me to laugh all the way through, but neither did I expect it that depressing.Even though Mr Moore manipulates and search down the beings that fits his message exactly, they do exists the people who are chushes through the greed of the financial market. And it […]

Today I’ll trademark a burp ➜
16. NOV 2009 //
offentligt rum
I don't think that it’ll cause any problem. I mean: Who really wants a burp . Compared to Deutsche Telekom’s attempt to trademark the color magenta ? No, I don't think so. It’ll pass nice and easy.So what's the purpose, what is my intention, with the burp. But first of all I’ll show magnanimity. That’ll shine on the ethical […]
Michael Vesterskov Band at Christianshavns Beboerhus ➜
The concert was as a birthday present to Michael Vesterskov from the band who played at the theatre piece Det Blå Hotel [The Blue Hotel]. And gifts are, just like services, not something you pay back. You hand them along.So Michael gave us the music, as the host offers gifts for the guest. Thank you.
![Spis Bare [Just Eat] receives Bording Prisen 2009](https://data.wil.dk/_images/_base/2009/200/spisbare_covers.jpg)
Spis Bare [Just Eat] receives Bording Prisen 2009 ➜
The danish magazine Spis Bare is a very inspirering food-professional og well-informed magazine med professional depth and delicious presentation.Friday June 12 the magazine Spis Bare was awarded Anders Bordings Mediepris 2009. I have in collaboration with the editor, Mette Jensen, developed the magazine during the last […]

ATypI Copenhagen logo ➜
We had the napkin with the notes from the galla dinner at ATypI in Leipzig 2000, Henrik Birkvig and I on the flight back to Copenhagen, and we knew that we, together with Kim Pedersen, were about to organize ATypI in Copenhagen the year after. And already then we sketched the cliches for identity of the conference: Red-white, old-new […]![Fontc[art] Generator](https://data.wil.dk/_images/_base/2009/200/theskrift_lowcrop.jpg)
Fontc[art] Generator ➜
Everything that can’t be automated is design.At the ATypI conference in Copenhagen 2001 Erik van Blokland, Letterror, made the statement that design is not to make one or more possible solutions of a certain task. Design is rather choosing the right one among all these possibilities. And since the making of the examples […]
Freedom through constraint ➜
10. OKT 2001 //
The postman is somewhat special. He brings all sorts of things. Postcards from Jamaica. Bills, too, unfortunately, but it’s not his fault, after all. home.pages - preface - june 1997 The postman is somewhat special. He brings all sorts of things. Postcards from Jamaica. Bills, too, unfortunately, but it’s not his fault, […]

Web design, home pages for starters ➜
To the puritan any design that make any demands, will be noise. But you may as well take the opposite stand, that the purely textbased information is reserved for the skillede readers.Torben Wilhelmsen, Thomas Green and Geert Sander Published first time in 1997. The book was one the selected Books of the Year in 1998 in Denmark. […]
TypoMov ➜
The spoken information on the other hand is dynamic with an absolute demand of presence. If you're not there, you'll miss it, because the spoken word disappears instantly. The meaning of the spoken information may be stored in your memory, but the words are gone.TypoMov is a brief presentation of the main points of a lecture […]
Typesetting the net - font embedding ➜
For a very low cost of 5-10 k fontembedding gives the possibility of getting typographic identity for a whole website – allthough with a litte trouble.The frustration about missing typographic tools for web design might be well aknowledged. How do I make typography in a graphically sense for the web. Cascading stylesheets offers […]
Technical enthusiasm, please ➜
1. SEP 2000 //
Usability and accessibility on the net becomes more and more equal to unlimited choices and professionalizing of the user, who thus will be the responsible to be able to get the information from the websites.You may say I am puritan. On the other hand, when I shuffle the web, I may too say that I have the right to be puritan. […]
The user rules ➜
Usability and accessibilty on the web becomes synonymous with free choice and professionalizing of the user. Thus, she is more and less self responsible for being able to recieve the information of the websites.The computer is putting still greater demands to the user, but despite of that it is easier to use today than ever. […]

The photography is dead – long live the photographer ➜
First the good news: The photography has lost its trustworthyness, because the digital technology has made it obvious to anybody that every photopgraphy can be manipulated.And then the bad news: We are being told that actually the possibility of computer manipulation it self killed the reliability. And thus tend to maintain […]

Torben Wilhelmsen
Detaljer af varierende betydning om web, grafisk design og kommunikation
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