Type, design and automated layout, Atypi 2011

8. okt 2011 Saturday morning at the ATypI conference in Reykjavík Torben Wilhelmsen was on stage to talk about integrating type and design through templates into automated page layout for multi platform publishing such as magazines and blogs on computer, ipad and other mobiles.


Harpa Corncert Hall, Reykjavik, impressions

All is about type and typography - from the conference programme

With the move from print to online, everything we do is about the future of type and typography. For the last year Petr van Blokland and I have developed XierpaWeb, a publishing tool based on the Python library Xierpa. It is used by e.g. Nomadeditions in New York to produce a growing number of magazines, issued weekly on the basis of typographically founded design templates and automatic layout.
Developments in the production of all kinds of publications increase in speed and impact. Many publication designers (books, newspapers, magazines, corporate identities) and their customers are not aware of these recent dramatic changes. Even designers for new media, such as blogs, websites, apps and e-books tend to see their work as local and separate. With a modest guess of an increase in speed of 2.5 times, the next 10 years are comparable with the change, 25 years ago, from photo-typesetting to desktop publishing. These changes will continue, offering less time for users, customers, designers and producers to adapt their knowledge, experience and behavior. As designers, we must be aware of these changes to make our work needed in the future.
Where by definition it is impossible to predict discontinued developments, it is feasible to envision technology driven developments by extrapolating
what has happened in the past years. The talk will address these issues from the perspective of the future of design and the increasing wide range of platforms and devices (“tablet computers require new thinking and new methods of design and production”). Design the design process. The designer as integrator, instead of artist defining the color of the buttons.
Some projects and cases, including the magazines from Nomad Editions, are presented as optional directions.
ATypI Copenhagen dynamisk logo

ATypI Copenhagen logo

We had the napkin with the notes from the galla dinner at ATypI in Leipzig 2000, Henrik Birkvig and I on the flight back to Copenhagen, and we knew that we, together with Kim Pedersen, were about to organize ATypI in Copenhagen the year after. And already then we sketched the cliches for identity of the conference: Red-white, old-new […]
iSticks and iSkins

iSticks and iSkins

13. DEC 2010 // ipad /mobilt web /offentligt rum
The danish boulevard newspaper, Ekstra Bladet, has decided to campaign for the freedom of speech – seen as the freedom of nudity. The danish MEP, Morten Messerschmidt is supporting by taking the discussion into the European Parliament.
Seven clicks towards Mobile First

Seven clicks towards Mobile First

The net is flooded with apps - for smartphones and tablets. But web sites are still better viewed on a computer, right? So the marketing department is happy and web design is business as usual. Maybe because apps and web sites are considered as two different things, rather than two versions of the same.
You may create coherence […]
Spis Bare [Just Eat] receives Bording Prisen 2009

Spis Bare [Just Eat] receives Bording Prisen 2009

15. JUN 2009 // design /tidsskrift /spis bare
The danish magazine Spis Bare is a very inspirering food-professional og well-informed magazine med professional depth and delicious presentation.
Friday June 12 the magazine Spis Bare was awarded Anders Bordings Mediepris 2009. I have in collaboration with the editor, Mette Jensen, developed the magazine during the last […]
Is the QR bubble losing air

Is the QR bubble losing air

In 2011 the use of QR code seemed to explode. It was a magic spell, a funnel to more visitors to the web site - Accio Visitors. Or was it just that cool that the lemmings started to move again.
Your website is (almost) an app

Your website is (almost) an app

14. DEC 2010 // reklame /ipad /web /mobilt web /mobilism /web apps
I must admit, it’s (still) cool to have my icon right there on the iPad screen. As an app, yes, but a website can also do the trick. And website based app may sometimes even be a better solution than a native app.
This is not a logo

This is not a logo

The logo is not an element, a graphical form, but the character in the way it is exposed in various contexts. Thus, the logo is not a categorism any more, but a organism, a being.
I was pleased at ‘Total Typographic Saturday’ in the end of october, as Tore Rosbo and Clea Simonsen from the design bureau 1508 presented the identity […]
Fontc[art] Generator

Fontc[art] Generator

20. OKT 2001 // javascript /random /typografi
Everything that can’t be automated is design.
At the ATypI conference in Copenhagen 2001 Erik van Blokland, Letterror, made the statement that design is not to make one or more possible solutions of a certain task. Design is rather choosing the right one among all these possibilities. And since the making of the examples […]