uf Feet
18. nov 1996 Originally this was 8 variations of the theme: the foot position when standing and waiting. Through overdubbing 28 stances were made, and many different dances can be written.
This a part of the typo-mov (a mobile type project, 1996, only partly available now).
It used to be 8 footsteps, each representing a letter.
Later they were overdubbed to new steps in order to make 28 letters of an alphabet.
Upper case letters are variable backgrounds and lower case letters hold the different steps.
You can make patterns with the textfont and make new dances with the mobile type in ufFeetMovie (updated March, 2021)
Feet as colored layers
Many ways to stand in the airport
… and wait for the runway to be cleaned up for snow. Berlin Templehof, november 1995.