Michael Vesterskov Band at Christianshavns Beboerhus
13. nov 2009 The concert was as a birthday present to Michael Vesterskov from the band who played at the theatre piece Det Blå Hotel [The Blue Hotel]. And gifts are, just like services, not something you pay back. You hand them along.
So Michael gave us the music, as the host offers gifts for the guest.
Thank you.
The band is:
Michael Vesterskov: Leadvokal, guitar,
Simon Toldam (Young Jazz Name of the Year, 2007): klaver, orgel.
Jacob Falgren: Bass,
Anders Banke: Klarinet, bass clarinet, barytonsax,
Qarin Wikström: Kor, omnicord, percussion,
Knut Finsrud: Drums,
Samuel Hällkvist (The Jazz Name of the Year, Sweden 2009): Guitars, banjo.
Michael Vesterskov: Leadvokal, guitar,
Simon Toldam (Young Jazz Name of the Year, 2007): klaver, orgel.
Jacob Falgren: Bass,
Anders Banke: Klarinet, bass clarinet, barytonsax,
Qarin Wikström: Kor, omnicord, percussion,
Knut Finsrud: Drums,
Samuel Hällkvist (The Jazz Name of the Year, Sweden 2009): Guitars, banjo.